All accommodations are included in your trip!

Note, that in some cases it’s possible to upgrade your accommodations – but be sure to give us some notice.

Coroscos – Coroscos Hotel (Included)

There is only one hotel in this isolated little hamlet. It was built 2 years ago with 3 large rooms and now has 5 rooms. The rooms are new, clean and some of them are very large.

Camping at the Springs and Desert Pools (Included)

By Kevin: Diana and I love this place. I’ve camped here seven times, and only had company twice. I sleep outside and the moon comes up behind my favourite great fig tree. We provide all the gear and meals if you choose this option – you buy your drinks!

Cabo Pulmo – Luxury Style Cabanas with Baja Bungalows (Included)

Cabo Pulmo is a village of approximately 40 ex-pats and 40 local Mexican people. It used to be a fishing village, now it is a dive centre. There are a few sets of Cabanas and they get sold out quickly. We have a contact there – Char and Evan have lived there for fourteen years and they know every owner. They will take care of you, and we will book you in immediately if you choose this option.

Camping above the desert in the Sierra Laguna Biosphere (Included)

Camping at the is an incredible once in a lifetime experience. It is a five hour hike, or 3 1/2 on a mule with Chito. Once you are there you will be confused whether you are in a North American pine forest or a tropical jungle. And then you will want to descend into the creek valley with its hundreds of pools, cascades, and waterfalls. You will remember this site, and this camp fire.