Yoga Retreat Teachers

Hi from Kevin Zentner,
I retired from teaching at age 46 and shortly afterwards spent 2 months living and studying at the Yandara Teacher Training Center in BCS Mexico. I started teaching yoga on the street in Todos Santos when I graduated, as well as going to daily classes with teachers in the area, on the beaches, in community centers, in yoga teacher’s homes and wherever a teacher would let me take notes (like all of them). It is a great way to get to know the yoga community.
I teach what I call practical yoga. Having taught elementary school and junior high physical education for so long I naturally started teaching as if I was explaining body positions from the feet up; like I do for hockey or volleyball. I love discusssing the purpose of yoga, and its benefits, and I teach how to think globally about how to get the most out of each asana. My favorite part though is practical meditation and guided visualizations. We build these images as a form of meditation and then come back to them in Savasana.
Sincerely and Namaste,
Kevin Zentner